Imagenes que me robo de Tumblr

PORRA GERARD, DEIXOU SUA HETEROSSEXUALIDADE CAIR DE NOVO??/PORRA GERARD, VIRA HOMEM!!1 Créditos pela tirinha: reflectin <3PORRA GERARD, NAMORADO VIOLENTO ESSE QUE TU ARRUMA!!1 créditos para myhorriblelie pela foto do gerd com o cara estranho de cabelo roxo.PORRA GERARD, NO SIDEKICK DO SEU IRMAO É SACANAGEM!1!!thesoundofmyvendetta:  gpoyawakeunafraid:  xmuffinsuicidax:  thesoundofmyvendetta:  thisplanetisourstodefend:  ride-on-anything-iero:  PROBLEM, MCRMY?houseofthepunkrockbarbiedolls:  1dcanboogie:  mykindofperfeect:  inugami-sama:  doihavesexhair:  IF YOU DON’T REBLOG THIS, YOU’RE A HEARTLESS BASTARD. ONE TIME A GIRL DIDN’T REBLOG THIS & HER UNICORN DIED.  T_T noooo, I don’t want my unicorn to die…  Don’t you dare to touch my unicorn D:  IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO SPARKLES, I WILL NOT HOLD BACK AND I WILL CUT A BITCH.  ^the comments omg.
(el sueño de consumo de Mikey)

-starlesseyes:  bby gee. awww  GERARD WAY: CO-CREATOR OF FIREBALL
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